Home > Industry/Domain > Earth science > Seismology


The study of earthquake, seismic sources, and wave propagation through the Earth.

Contributors in Seismology


elastic wave

Earth science; Seismology

A wave that is propagated by some kind of elastic deformation, that is, a change in shape that disappears when the stresses are removed. A seismic wave is a type of elastic wave.

spherical wave

Earth science; Seismology

A wave with rays that radiate out from the source like spokes.

outer arc ridge

Earth science; Seismology

A zone landward from the trace of the subduction thrust fault of elevated sea floor probably related to the compression of the rocks in the accretionary wedge. Also referred to as the outer arc ...

wave dilatation

Earth science; Seismology

Initial motion toward (pulling) the source. The opposite of compression.

resolution matrix

Earth science; Seismology

Indicate how well the value in the corresponding layer could be determined independently of that of the other layers, if the data had no errors. They illustrate "vertical smearing:" they are largest ...


Earth science; Seismology

In tensor mathematics, they give the principal coordinate axis "directions".

point force

Earth science; Seismology

In solving for displacement, it is a force applied a to a point in a elastic homogeneous medium.

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