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Sexual health
Enjoying emotional, physical, and social well-being in regard to one’s sexuality, including free and responsible sexual expression that enriches one’s personal and social life and fulfills one’s sexual rights. Disorders in sexual health can impact a person’s physical and emotional health, as well as his or her relationships and self-image.
Industry: Health care
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Sexual health
Michel Foucault
Health care; Sexual health
(1926–1984) Foucault was a French philosopher who wrote three volumes on the history of sexuality. He challenged Freud’s view that women and men are sexually repressed by their cultures. He ...
Humanae Vitae
Health care; Sexual health
“On Human Life,” a document written by Pope Paul VI in 1968 that forbade the use of contraception.
Health care; Sexual health
A “hard” penis when it’s becomes full of blood and stiffens. See "vasocongestion. "
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous
Health care; Sexual health
A 12-step, self-help recovery group for women and men who want to control their sexual addictions. See "Sex Addicts Anonymous," "sexual addiction," "sexual compulsion. "
Hyde Amendment
Health care; Sexual health
A 1977 legislative restriction, first sponsored by Rep. Henry Hyde (R-IL), that forbade the use of federal funds to pay for abortion services.
Free Love movement
Health care; Sexual health
A 19th-century group that advocated the abolition of marriage and the equality and sexual freedom of women and men. Free-love advocates believed that sexual relations should be based on love, not on ...
urinary tract infection (UTI)
Health care; Sexual health
A bacterial infection of the bladder, the ureters, or the urethra.