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Snowboarding is a recreational and competitive sport where the participant rides a board down a snow slope. The sport is involved in the winter olympics in several different specialized forms.
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Sports; Snowboarding
This is another invert where the snowboarder plants their front hand on the wall, rotates 540 degrees in a backside direction, and then lands riding forward.
Sports; Snowboarding
The snowboarder rides forward to the half-pipe wall, they then go airborne and rotate 540-degrees in a backside direction with a front flip. They land riding forwards.
Sports; Snowboarding
Simply, when the front hand grabs the backside edge, typically between the bindings.
melonch ollie
Sports; Snowboarding
While the front leg is being boned, the front hand reaches behind the front leg and grabs the snowboards backside edge in-between the bindings.
method grab
Sports; Snowboarding
Both of the snowboarders knees are bent, their front hand grabs the heel edge preferably in-between the bindings (otherwise it's a bad lien grab). Then the board is suppose to be pulled level with ...
miller flip
Sports; Snowboarding
The snowboarder approaches the half-pipe wall riding forward, then their front hand is planted and a 360-degree frontside rotation is executed. The landing is fakie.
misty flip
Sports; Snowboarding
This is an inverted backside 540-rotation executed off of a straight jump.