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Social media
Social media is the medium through which internet users can contact and share information over the internet.
Industry: Internet; Online services
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Social media
dependency theory
Culture; Social media
Dependency theory or dependencia theory is a body of social science theories predicated on the notion that resources flow from a "periphery" of poor and underdeveloped states to a "core" of wealthy ...
definition of the situation
Culture; Social media
The definition of the situation is a fundamental concept in symbolic interactionism advanced by the American sociologist W. I. Thomas. It is a kind of collective agreement between people on the ...
social darwinism
Culture; Social media
Social Darwinism refers to the idea that competition spurs growth in groups, societies, and cultures. The survival of the fittest is one idea of social Darwinism.

Mashup with Facebook
Online services; Social media
This new function allows MySpace users to log in to their Facebook account through their MySpace page, to allow the sharing of information between respective profile pages. Both companies have ...
mimetic isomorphism
Sociology; Social media
Mimetic isomorphism in organization theory refers to an organization to adopt another organization's structure by imitating it believing that the structure of the actual organization is beneficial.
Sociology; Social media
In sociology, an isomorphism is a similarity of the processes or structure of one organization to those of another, be it the result of imitation or independent development under similar constraints. ...
instrumental action
Sociology; Social media
An instrumental action is a social action pursued after evaluating its consequences and consideration of the various means to achieve it. They are usually planned and taken after considering costs ...