Home > Industry/Domain > Aerospace > Space flight

Space flight

Of or relating to the act of voyaging outside the Earth's atmosphere and into outer space, and the science involved in achieving it.

Contributors in Space flight

Space flight

extrasolar planet

Aerospace; Space flight

A planet orbiting a star other than the sun. Exoplanet.

force (F)

Aerospace; Space flight

Two commonly used units of force are the Newton and the dyne. Force = Mass X Acceleration.


Aerospace; Space flight

Extrasolar planet. A planet orbiting a star other than the sun.

electron volt (EV)

Aerospace; Space flight

A measure of the energy of subatomic particles.

ephemeris time (ET)

Aerospace; Space flight

A measurement of time defined by orbital motions. Equates to Mean Solar Time corrected for irregularities in Earth's motions. Obsolete, replaced by TT, Terrestrial Time.

extra-solar planet (ESP)

Aerospace; Space flight

A planet orbiting a star other than the Sun. See also Exoplanet.

earth-received time (ERT)

Aerospace; Space flight

UTC of an event at DSN receive-time, equal to SCET plus OWLT.

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