Contributors in Sporting events
Sporting events
float hunt
Hunting & fishing; Sporting events
To jump shooting ducks by floating downstream in a canoe or small duckboat.
pack saddle
Hunting & fishing; Sporting events
A rigid frame made of wood or metal that is used to load gear, food, and equipment on a packhorse.
Hunting & fishing; Sporting events
Pronounced "pee-jay," this is a ranger's term for pinon-juniper forest.
outside spread
Hunting & fishing; Sporting events
The distance between the two widest points on an animal's antlers.
oakleaf (spill air)
Hunting & fishing; Sporting events
When geese turn on their sides or backs in the air to lose altitude quickly.
off-set jaws
Hunting & fishing; Sporting events
The type of jaws on a leg-hold trap that, when closed, retain a gap of approximately 1/8 to 1/4 inch.
osceola or florida wild turkey
Hunting & fishing; Sporting events
The subspecies found only in central Florida.