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Stock exchange
An indicator used in technical analysis to determine if a financial instrument, such as a stock, is trending in particular direction. It is broken into the positive directional indicator (+DI), negative directional indicator (-DI) and Average Directional Index (ADX). The value of the index can be zero. The higher the value of the DMI, the better the chance that the stock will move.
Industry: Investment
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Stock exchange
Investment; Stock exchange
An asset or item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income or appreciate in the future.
purchasing power
Investment; Stock exchange
The dollar amount of credit available to a customer to buy additional securities against the existing marginable securities in the brokerage account.
interest rate
Investment; Stock exchange
The amount charged that is expressed as a percentage of principal by a lender to a borrower for the use of assets.
Investment; Stock exchange
An agreement between a buyer and a seller to exchange goods, services or financial instruments.
purchasing power
Investment; Stock exchange
The dollar amount of credit available to a customer to buy additional securities against the existing marginable securities in the brokerage account.

search term indicator
Investment; Stock exchange
The search term indicator is the trend that sometimes precedes a market movement in either direction based on the frequency and volume that a large number of people search for certain financial ...

Investment; Stock exchange
The dramatic and unexpected improvement in investment performances. It is a surge of individual investors looking to get in on the hot market before it's too late. This usually preceeds a melt-down ...