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Supply chain
Of or referring to a system of organizations, people, technology, activities, information, and resources that develops a product from supplier to customer in an efficient manner.
Industry: Software
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Supply chain
computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)
Software; Supply chain
The use of computer systems in manufacturing that fulfill specific functional requirements and are integrated with the base ERP and supporting systems. CIM may involve the use of automatic data ...
independent demand
Software; Supply chain
The portion of demand for a given item not created by the requirement for any other item. Whether for an end item or a component, independent demand is created by a sales or internal distribution ...
order quantity modifier
Software; Supply chain
A rule that supersedes an originally-calculated lot size. For example, a fixed lot size rule of 50 with a minimum order quantity modifier of 200 would generate a suggested order of 200 even if ...
single minute exchange of die (SMED)
Software; Supply chain
The goal of reducing setup times to under ten minutes.
operation backflushing
Software; Supply chain
The process of backflushing one or more operations on a routing based the designation of paypoints, or reporting operations. In a routing with three operations and only the last coded as a paypoint, ...
shelf life
Software; Supply chain
The standard amount of days a given item can be stored after a receipt before it must be tested, or is declared unusable for shipments or production purposes.
Software; Supply chain
The authorization to pick, ship or produce against a previously-created order.