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Surfing is a water sport and recreational activity in which the wave rider, rides the forward face of a wave usually towards the shore. While most suitable waves for surfing are found in the ocean the activity can also be performed on lakes. The wave rider balances on a surf board while riding the waves.
Industry: Sports
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Sports; Surfing
One who rides waves lying down on a bodyboard. Often beginners, although some bodyboarders, like Hawaii's Mike Stewart, are considered among the best surfers in the world.
Sports; Surfing
Older term generally defined as surfing for flash rather than function, occurring in small conditions, with little regard for making the wave. Presently called getting rad, ripping or blowin' up, ...
millibars (mb)
Sports; Surfing
Units of atmospheric pressure equal to one thousandth of a bar. Standard atmospheric pressure at sea level is about 1,013 millibars. Strong high-pressure systems can be around 1040 millibars while ...