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Surfing is a water sport and recreational activity in which the wave rider, rides the forward face of a wave usually towards the shore. While most suitable waves for surfing are found in the ocean the activity can also be performed on lakes. The wave rider balances on a surf board while riding the waves.
Industry: Sports
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leash plug
Sports; Surfing
A small plug with a crosswise metal or plastic bar used to attach a leash to a surfboard, usually inserted in the deck near the tail of the board.
Sports; Surfing
A breakdown of the bond between the fiberglass and foam of a surfboard, where the fiberglass becomes separated from the foam. Usually caused by water seeping in under the fiberglass due to a ding of ...
short-period swells
Sports; Surfing
A term used by Surfline surf forecasters to identify swells with swell periods under 15 seconds between successive waves. These swells are not able to wrap into many protected areas because the swell ...