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Terms of or in relation to a collaborative form of fine art which uses live performances to express fictional or non-fictional stories to an audience in a particular place.
Industry: Performing arts
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Performing arts; Theatre
In England, called the backcloth. A painted canvas or plain surface upon which light could be shown, it was flown or hung from the grid and, in combination with wings, was used to form a set on ...
Performing arts; Theatre
A drop designed to be used in the manner of a cyclorama, for the projection of lighting effects.
leg drop
Performing arts; Theatre
A drop from which the center is cut or removed, leaving side "legs" and a valance or strip across the center.
Performing arts; Theatre
A drop made of mesh netting that is used to simulate glass and in scrims.
Performing arts; Theatre
A flat used to mask the area behind a door, window or other opening on a set.
ballad opera
Performing arts; Theatre
A forerunner of English Opera and musical comedy, ballad operas were primarily a creature of the 18th century British stage, and were topical plays of spoken dialogue with a large number of musical ...
Performing arts; Theatre
A form of tragedy which, while it has an unhappy ending, contains certain elements of comedy and the remote possibility of a happy ending.