Home > Industry/Domain > Biology; Chemistry > Toxicology
A branch of biology, chemistry, and medicine concerned with the study of the adverse effects of chemicals or physical agents on living organisms, as well as the symptoms, mechanisms, treatments and detection of poisoning, especially the poisoning of people.
Contributors in Toxicology
interstitial pneumonia
Biology; Toxicology
Chronic form of pneumonia involving increase of the interstitial tissue and decrease of the functional lung tissue.
inherently biodegradable
Biology; Toxicology
Class of compounds for which there is unequivocal evidence of biodegradation (primary or ultimate) in any test of biodegradability.
Biology; Toxicology
Disease of the kidneys marked by degeneration of renal tubular epithelium.
log-normal distribution
Biology; Toxicology
Distribution function F(y), in which the logarithm of a quantity is normally distributed, i.e. F(y) = ƒgauss(ln y) where ƒgauss(χ) is a Gaussian (or normal) distribution.
dosage of a substance
Biology; Toxicology
Dose divided by product of mass of organism and time of dose. Note: Often expressed as mg (kg body weight)-1 day-1 and may be used as a synonym for dose.
inhibitory dose (ID)
Biology; Toxicology
Dose of a substance that causes a defined inhibition of a given system. Note: ID50 is the median dose that causes 50% inhibition.