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An infectious disease caused by the bacillus mycobacterium tuberculosis, often accompanied by fever and a loss of appetite. It is primarily an infection of the lungs, but any organ system is susceptible, so its manifestations may be varied.
Industry: Health care
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acid-fast bacilli (AFB)
Health care; Tuberculosis
Bacteria that retain certain dyes after being washed in an acid solution. Most acid-fast organisms are mycobacteria. When AFB are seen on a stained smear of sputum or other clinical specimen, a ...
Health care; Tuberculosis
Refers to the behavior of patients when they follow all aspects of the treatment regimen as prescribed by the medical provider, and also refers to the behavior of HCWs and employers when they follow ...
Health care; Tuberculosis
The droplet nuclei that are expelled by an infectious person (e.g., by coughing or sneezing); these droplet nuclei can remain suspended in the air and can transmit M. tuberculosis to other persons.
Health care; Tuberculosis
The American Institute of Architects, a professional body that develops standards for building ventilation.
air changes
Health care; Tuberculosis
The ratio of the volume of air flowing through a space in a certain period of time (i.e., the airflow rate) to the volume of that space (i.e., the room volume); this ratio is usually expressed as the ...
air mixing
Health care; Tuberculosis
The degree to which air supplied to a room mixes with the air already in the room, usually expressed as a mixing factor. This factor varies from 1 (for perfect mixing) to 10 (for poor mixing), and it ...
Health care; Tuberculosis
The small air sacs in the lungs that lie at the end of the bronchial tree; the site where carbon dioxide in the blood is replaced by oxygen from the lungs and where TB infection usually begins.
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