Contributors in Video



Entertainment; Video

The amplitude region of the composite video signal below reference-black level in the direction of the synchronizing pulses.

color masking

Entertainment; Video

A method of correcting color errors which are fundamental in any three primary color additive reproducing system, by electrically changing the R, G, and B signals with a matrix or masking amplifier ...


Entertainment; Video

A video signal level below which no light should be emitted from a TV screen (the level at which the screen is blanked); also, that portion of the time that a video signal is transmitted when it is ...

color match, corresponding

Entertainment; Video

A corresponding color is defined as the stimulus that, under some different condition of adaptation, evokes the same color appearance as another stimulus when it was seen under the original state of ...

blanking (picture)

Entertainment; Video

The portion of the composite video signal whose instantaneous amplitude makes the vertical and horizontal retrace invisible.

color match, metameric

Entertainment; Video

a) Color images are metameric matches when their spectrally different color stimuli have identical tristimulus values. The requirements for such a metameric match can be calculated for a specified ...

blanking adjustment

Entertainment; Video

A technique proposed in some ATV schemes to increase the VBI (and, sometimes, decrease the HBI) to deal with wide aspect ratios. See also Burn.

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