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Video camera
Camcorders, blueray video camaras
Industry: Recording equipment
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Video camera
minimum illumination
Consumer electronics; Video camera
Minimum light level needed to achieve a 50% or 100% video output level when the camera is at maximum gain and the lens iris fully open. Can be computed from the nominal sensitivity, lens ...
minimum object distance (MOD)
Consumer electronics; Video camera
A lens parameter that defines the minimum distance from a camera lens to the point where an object can still be in focus.
motion detector (MD)
Consumer electronics; Video camera
Camera feature where a reference field is compared with current fields. If a difference is detected, the camera outputs a pulse. An ideal feature for security application.
modulation transfer function (MTF)
Consumer electronics; Video camera
Defines the resolution capability of a lens. Most lenses exhibit their best MTF when operated in the middle of their iris aperture range.
neutral density filter (ND filter)
Consumer electronics; Video camera
A grey filter added in front of a lens to reduce the amount of incoming light into the camera lens. It has no influence on color.
NF mount
Consumer electronics; Video camera
Type of camera mount in which there is 12 mm clearance between the lens rear mounting surface and the camera’s CCD.
NTSC (National Television System Committee)
Consumer electronics; Video camera
Color video standard, used mainly in the United States and Japan. NTSC uses 525 scanning lines per picture, 30 pictures (frames) per second, each frame is made up of two sequential fields containing ...