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Video editing
Of or pertaining to software that is made to organize raw video footage using editing techniques and special effects in order to create a finalized motion picture.
Industry: Software
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Video editing
Software; Video editing
The ability to stretch a “skin” over shapes that are in fact cross-sectional ribs.
Software; Video editing
TV sets, VTRs, etc., that are designed to work using more than one technical standard; i.e., a VTR which can record both NTSC and PAL signals/recordings is a multi-standard machine.
intrinsic coercive force
Software; Video editing
The magnetizing field strength needed to reduce flux density from saturation to zero.
matrix wipe
Software; Video editing
a) A wipe wherein the screen is divided into square areas, each of which can contain the video from either bus. Initially, each square contains the first bus video, and as the wipe develops, one or ...
image stabilization
Software; Video editing
A camcorder feature which takes out minor picture shakiness, either optically or electronically.
Software; Video editing
A logarithm is the power to which a base (usually 10) must be raised in order to arrive at the desired value.
multitrack tape
Software; Video editing
A piece of magnetic tape which can be used to store two or more discrete signals.