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Vietnam War
A war in the country of Vietnam between the United States and the communist forces of North Vietnam. The U.S. was attempting to keep South Vietnam free from communism. The North Vietnamese eventually won, forcing the United States to withdraw.
Industry: Military
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Vietnam War
rest and recreation (R&R)
Military; Vietnam War
A three to seven-day vacation from the war for a soldier.
rocket-propelled grenade (RPG)
Military; Vietnam War
A Russian-made portable antitank grenade launcher.
country team
Military; Vietnam War
The staff and personnel of an American embassy assigned to a particular country.
III Corps
Military; Vietnam War
The densely populated, fertile military region between Saigon and the Highlands.
Military; Vietnam War
Land line. Refers to telephone communications between two points on the ground.
sky crane
Military; Vietnam War
Huge double-engine helicopter used for lifting and transporting heavy equipment.
civil action program (CAP)
Military; Vietnam War
U.S. military personnel working with Vietnamese civilians.