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Vietnam War
A war in the country of Vietnam between the United States and the communist forces of North Vietnam. The U.S. was attempting to keep South Vietnam free from communism. The North Vietnamese eventually won, forcing the United States to withdraw.
Industry: Military
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Vietnam War
elephant grass
Military; Vietnam War
Tall, razor-edged tropical plant indigenous to certain parts of Vietnam.
Military; Vietnam War
The assassination of an officer by his own troops, usually be a grenade.
starlight scope
Military; Vietnam War
An image intensifier using reflected light to identify targets at night.
steel pot
Military; Vietnam War
The standard U.S. Army helmet. The steel pot was the outer metal cover.
air cav
Military; Vietnam War
Air cavalry; helicopter-borne infantry; helicopter gunship assault teams.
Military; Vietnam War
Perimeter line of a fortification; usually raised above surrounding area.
command and control helicopter (C&C)
Military; Vietnam War
Military helicopters used for reconnaissance operations or for carrying unit commanders.