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Water is a chemical compound with the chemical formula H20. A water molecule contains one hydrogen atom and two oxygen atoms. Water is a liquid at standard ambient temperature and pressure though it can be a solid (ice)in low temperatures or evaporate into water vapor a higher temperatures.
Industry: Natural environment
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Natural environment; Water
comparison of computer model results with a set of data that were not used for calibration.
Natural environment; Water
A negatively charged ion, resulting from dissociation of molecules in solution.
flood damage
Natural environment; Water
The economic loss caused by floods, including damage by inundation, erosion, and/or sediment deposition. Damages also include emergency costs and business or financial losses. Evaluation may be based ...
mean column velocity
Natural environment; Water
the average velocity of fluid flow measured in a column extending from the surface of the water to the bed of the channel. Often referred to simply as "velocity" or "current velocity". Compare point ...
Natural environment; Water
Refers to such products as paper, glass, plastic, used oil, and metals that can be reprocessed instead of being disposed of as waste.
Natural environment; Water
The gaseous phase of substances that are liquid or solid at atmospheric temperature and pressure, e.g., steam.
Natural environment; Water
A large underground opening in rock (usually limestone) which occurred when some of the rock was dissolved by water. In some igneous rocks, caverns can be formed by large gas bubbles