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Collections of related web pages pointed by unique IP addresses.
Industry: Internet
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network news transfer protocol daemon (NNTPD)
Internet; Websites
The network news transfer protocol daemon which serves USENET newsgroups across the Internet.
responsive website
Internet; Websites
A website designed with the intention of providing an optimized user experience independent of the browser used to access it. CSS is used for example, to make a website function well across PC ...
user experience (UX)
Internet; Websites
User experience (UX) is the way a person feels about using a product, system or service. User experience highlights the experiential, affective, meaningful and valuable aspects of human-computer ...
Internet; Internet communication
A pin or (PIN) is ostensibly a personal identification number, although for our usage a string is also valid. The pin is composed of a name and value pair that is captured from a referring URL and ...