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Collections of related web pages pointed by unique IP addresses.

Contributors in Websites


absolute path

Internet; Websites

An absolute path or full path is a unique location of a file or directory name within a computer or filesystem, and usually starts with the root directory or drive letter. Directories and ...


Internet; Websites

In WordPress; an action is a PHP function that is executed at specific points throughout the WordPress Core. Developers can create a custom action using the action API to add or remove code from an ...


Internet; Websites

Atom is a simple way to read and write information on the web, allowing users to easily keep track of more sites in less time, and to seamlessly share words and ideas by publishing to the web. It's a ...


Internet; Websites

When you are writing or editing your posts and pages, the changes you make are automatically saved every 2 minutes. In the lower right corner of the editor, you'll see a notification of when the ...


Internet; Websites

An avatar is a graphic image or picture that represents a user. Avatars are widely used in social websites with user communities.

asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)

Internet; Websites

AJAX is a technique that web pages use to have the server perform certain processing without reloading the web page. For example, when you approve a comment in a WordPress blog, WordPress uses AJAX ...


Internet; Websites

Apache is short for Apache HTTP Server Project, a robust, commercial-grade, featureful, and freely-available open source HTTP Web server software produced by the Apache Software Foundation. It is the ...

Featured blossaries

World's Top Chef

Category: Other   1 9 Terms

marketing terms

Category: Business   1 1 Terms