Contributors in Weight loss
Weight loss
anaerobic exercise
Fitness; Weight loss
Types of exercises that rely on intensity so that the oxygen supply from the bloodstream will not be enough, triggering anaerobic respiration. Builds strength, speed, and power, and muscle mass.
isotonic exercise
Fitness; Bodybuilding
An exercise in which muscles are free to contract and shorten without changing their tension. Useful because it does not overexert the cardiovascular system, something that its counterpart, isometric ...
physical activity
Fitness; Weight loss
Any form of activity that relies on moving skeletal muscles. Typing on a computer counts but it will not be enough to lose fat – one would need to raise the intensity.
Fitness; Weight loss
To deviate from the schedule of exercise and dieting that one is doing because of temptations like being tired or wanting to eat good food again. It is okay to cheat in this sense from time to time ...
Fitness; Bodybuilding
The formal indicator of intensity is how much oxygen is consumed by the body during an exercise; thereby indicating how much fat and energy is burned during the exercise itself.
afterburn effect
Fitness; Weight loss
When the body creates an oxygen debt from running too hard so that the muscles and metabolism can't keep up, the body will use oxygen to burn fat and glucose after the exercise. That is the afterburn ...
Fitness; Bodybuilding
The feeling of tired muscles working to get rid of the lactic acid buildup accumulated from anaerobic metabolism. Some learn to appreciate it and continue training despite the pain.