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Women’s health

Health issues and subjects specific to women, such as menstruation, contraception, maternal health, child birth, menopause and breast cancer. These issues are often related to the female human anatomy such as female genitalia and breasts or to conditions caused by hormones specific to females.

Contributors in Women’s health

Women’s health

umbilical cord

Health care; Women’s health

The umbilical cord is a cord arising from the navel that connects the fetus with the placenta and through which respiratory gases, nutrients, and wastes pass.

amniotic sac

Health care; Women’s health

The amniotic sac is a thin membrane forming a closed sac about the embryos or fetuses of reptiles, birds, and mammals and containing the amniotic fluid.


Health care; Women’s health

Full-term refers to being retained in the uterus for the normal period of gestation before birth.

in vitro fertilisation

Health care; Women’s health

এটি হল একটি পদ্ধতি যার সাহায্যে মহিলারা গর্ভধারন করতে পারেন। বন্ধ্যাত্ব থেকে মহিলাদের রেহাই দেওয়ার ক্ষেত্রে এটি হল একটি বিজ্ঞানসম্মত উপায়। কোনো রকম যৌনসঙ্গম ছাড়াই মহিলার ডিম্বাশয়ের সঙ্গে শুক্রাণুর ...

capsular contracture

Health care; Women’s health

An unwanted complication or outcome of breast implant surgery that happens when there is tightening of scar tissue found around the implant and it squeezes the implant to become hard and firm.

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