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World history

Contributors in World history

World history


History; World history

(1901-1989) Emperor of Japan from 1926 until 1989. He is the last Japanese emperor to be considered divine. Led Japan through World War II.

Lao Tze

History; World history

(570-490 BCE?) Chinese philosopher credited with originating Taoism/Daoism. His teachings were collected and published as the Tao-te Ching.


History; World history

In colonial Latin America, Spanish/Native America who were denied basic political, economic, and social rights due to their mixed heritage.


History; World history

A Buddhist shrine or temple in India. This form of architecture made its way to China where it was altered slightly and renamed the pagoda.

bill of exchange

History; World history

A document purchased from a bank that allowed a person to travel without having to carry large amounts of money. Worked like a modern check.

civil service exam

History; World history

In China, it was an exam based on Confucian teachings that was used to select people for various government service jobs in the bureaucracy.

Marshall Plan

History; World history

Economic aid from the United States used to rebuild Europe after World War II. Named after United States Secretary of State George Marshall.

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