Contributors in World history
World history
History; World history
Middle eastern kingdom, formerly part of the Ottoman empire. Renamed Transjordan in 1921, it was under British protection from 1923 to 1946. It became an independent kingdom in 1946 and was renamed ...
Kamakura shogunate
History; World history
First military government of Japan. Following his victory in 1185 over the Taira clan in the Gempei War, Minamoto Yoritomo founded a bakufu (military government) at Kamakura, south of Edo (modern ...
History; World history
Seaport in southwest Hokkaido, Japan. Scene of Commodore Matthew Perry's meeting with the Bakufu convention (1854). Together with Shimoda, it was the first port open to trade with US ships and as a ...
Hussein, Saddam
History; World history
(1937-2006) Iraq's dictator and fifth president. On 16 July 1979, Saddam Hussein became chairman of the Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council, the decision making body in Iraq before the 2003 ...
History; World history
Turkic nomadic pastoralist peoples from central Asia who moved westward into Hungary in about AD 372, causing many Germanic tribes in eastern Europe to flee to the Roman empire. They forced the Roman ...
History; World history
Seaport and capital of Cuba. It was founded in 1519 by Spanish conquistadors and effectively became the capital of the Spanish colony in 1592 when the governor established his residence there. It was ...
History; World history
Major city and the most important religious center in Sumeria, founded by 4000 BC. Nippur was the site of the temple of Enlil, the god responsible for sanctifying secular power, making control of the ...