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World history

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World history


History; World history

A Mesoamerican civilization of Mexico who created a strong empire that flourished between the 14th and 15th century. The arrival of Hernando Cortez and the Spanish Conquistadores ended their empire.

World War II

History; World history

(1939 – 1945) A war fought in Europe, Africa and Asia between the Allied Powers of Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States against the Axis Powers of Germany, Italy, and ...

Alexander the Great

History; World history

(356 BCE-323 BCE) He conquered most of the ancient world from Asia Minor to Egypt and India, which began the Hellenistic culture which was a blending of Greek, Persian, Indian, and Egyptian ...

cultural diffusion

History; World history

When a culture spreads to an area around it and makes a noticable difference in other cultures. (e.g., Latin was spoken in the Roman Empire, and Latin became the basis of all modern romance ...

open door policy

History; World history

A policy of the United States that stated China should be open to all nations that which to trade with them. This policy did not include the consent of the Chinese, and was another form of ...

Treaty of Portsmouth

History; World history

(1905) The treaty that ended the Sino-Japanese War. It granted Japan Chinese port city trading rights, control of Manchuria, the annexation of the island of Sakhalin, and Korea became its ...


History; World history

Nationalist Party in China led by Jiang Jieshi, which began a war against the Communist Party led by Mao Zedong. Both fought for control of China, with Mao and the Communists ultimately winning in ...

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Paintings by Albrecht Dürer

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