Home > Blossary: Italian Nikon terms glossary


1031 Terms

Created by: federica.masante

Number of Blossarys: 31

My Terms
Collected Terms

White balance option used under white fluorescent lighting.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Opzione bilanciamento del bianco usato sotto illuminazione fluorescente bianca.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

An option for creating multiple copies of the same image with white balance values that bracket the value currently selected by the user.

Domain: Photography; Category: Images

Un'opzione per la creazione di più copie della stessa immagine con valori di bilanciamento del bianco che staffa il valore attualmente selezionato dall'utente.

Domain: Photography; Category: Images

White balance option used under warm-white fluorescent lighting.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Opzione bilanciamento del bianco usato sotto illuminazione fluorescente bianco caldo.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

A display that helps the user level the camera.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

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