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Science TermsAdd a term

postmitotic neuron

Science; Basic science

A postmitotic neuron is a neuron that has exited the cell ...

neuroepithelial cells

Science; Basic science

Neuroepithelial cells are the "stem cells" of the nervous ...

Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly (RUD)

Science; General science

Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly is used to describe something ...

Newton, Sir Isaac

Science; General science

(1642-1727) English physicist, mathematician, natural ...

Politics TermsAdd a term

men's rights movement

Politics; General politics

An activism movement that started in the 1970s during the ...

George Clooney arrest

Politics; Protest

George Clooney, the Hollywood star, was arrested on March ...

Ansar al-Sharia

Politics; International politics

Also known as Jama'at Ansar al-Shari'a, Ansar al-Sharia is ...

poll aggregator

Politics; Political Science

A poll aggregator is someone who uses current election poll ...

Travel TermsAdd a term

The Old City Hall

Travel; Landmarks

The currently standing, classicist style City Hall was ...

China Town

Travel; Travel sites

China Town in San Francisco consists of several densely ...


Travel; Travel sites

Sa Pa , or Sapa, is a frontier town and capital of Sa Pa ...

Golden Gate Park

Travel; Travel sites

Golden Gate Park is bordered by the Pacific Ocean on its ...

Featured blossariesStart a blossary


Category: Education   1 37 Terms

2014 World Cup Winners

Category: Sports   1 5 Terms

Teresa's glossary of psycholinguistics

Category: Education   1 2 Terms

Toongting's Terms

8. Iceland

Travel; Travel sites

Iceland is an island located in the North Atlantic Ocean ...

12. Monument Valley, USA

Travel; Travel sites

Explore the dramatic, iconic landscape of Mounument ...

20. The Wave, Arizona, USA

Travel; Travel sites

The place is among the most scenic hiking destinations in ...