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Any living creature of the Kingdom Animalia constituting multi-celled organisms as well as single-celled organisms lacking chlorophyll and having the ability for spontaneous movement, such as protozoans.

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Animals > Dogs


Animals; Dogs

A very small dog of a breed originating in Mexico, having pointed ears and a smooth coat.

incubation period

Animals; Dogs

The period between infection and the appearance of symptoms of a disease.

short back

Animals; Dogs

See Close-Coupled

china eye

Animals; Dogs

A clear or spotted blue, light blue, or whitish eye.


Animals; Dogs

A localized protective reaction of tissue to irritation, injury, or infection, characterized by pain, redness, swelling, and sometimes loss of function.

show quality

Animals; Dogs

A pedigreed dog meeting the official breed standard and thus able to compete in dog shows.

chippendale front

Animals; Dogs

Forelegs out at the elbows, pasterns close, and feet turned out. Named after the Chippendale chair. Also called fiddle front.
