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Any of numerous usually small arthropod animals of the class Insecta, having an adult stage characterized by three pairs of legs and a body segmented into head, thorax, and abdomen and usually having two pairs of wings.
Industry: Animals
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small paper wasp
Animals; Insects
Polistes stigma is a small paper wasp. It is rich brown colour with lighter orange brown legs and antennae. The end of the abdomen is banded with yellow. The wings have a dark spot near the tip of ...
trilobite cockroach
Animals; Insects
The trilobite cockroach is a native species that spends most of its time under leaf litter or under logs. They live in small colonies and can communicate with each other using scent. The young have ...
tree termite
Animals; Insects
Nasutitermes walkeri soldiers have a rounded head and long straight mandibles. The soldiers are pale yellowish brown colour. Not a major pest termite. Nests are visible on tree trunks or forks of ...
transverse ladybird
Animals; Insects
The transverse ladybirds is bright orange-red in colour with black markings on their back. There is a dark strip down the centre where the wings meet, and prominent V-shaped markings on each side. ...
tortoise shelled ladybird
Animals; Insects
The tortoise-shelled ladybird is an average sized yellow ladybird with stripes along and across the body in a net pattern. It has two black stripes running from the eyes to the wing covers. The ...
tobacco moth
Animals; Insects
The tobacco moth is an introduced pest species of moth. The adult moth has brownish grey forewings crossed with two light bands. The hindwings are paler and plain grey. The caterpillar is dark to ...
tobacco looper
Animals; Insects
The Tobacco Looper adult moth is mainly brown, with a tuft of hairs on its head There is a silvery pattern on the forewings and a small letter-S shape. Some adults had grey patches on the forewings. ...