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The scientific study of physical remains, whether monuments, artifacts or relics of past human life, cultures or activities.

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Archaeology > Evolution


Archaeology; Evolution

A measure of how variable a set of numbers are. Technically, it is the sum of squared deviations from the mean divided by (n-1) (the number of numbers in the sample minus one). ...

random mating

Archaeology; Evolution

A mating pattern in which the probability of mating with another individual of a particular genotype (or phenotype) equals the frequency of that genotype (or phenotype) in the ...

William Dembski

Archaeology; Evolution

A mathematician and philosopher who has written on intelligent design, attempting to establish the legitimacy and fruitfulness of design within biology.


Archaeology; Evolution

A marine invertebrate animal belonging to a class (Crinoidea; about 700 species) of echinoderms, including sea lilies and feather stars. They have a small cup-shaped body covered ...


Archaeology; Evolution

A mammal belonging to the order Primates (about 195 species), which includes prosimians, monkeys, apes, and humans. Primates probably evolved from insectivorous climbing creatures ...

Larry Flammer

Archaeology; Evolution

A retired high school biology teacher and co-founder of the Santa Clara County Biotechnology-Education Partnership, which provides teacher training and lab equipment for local ...

Matthew Kluger

Archaeology; Evolution

A researcher whose work on lizards demonstrated that fever is beneficial and can improve the immune response to infection. The implication for humans is still being researched, ...