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Legal services
The services involving law-related matters such as the issuing of legal opinion,filing and pleading, as well as the issuing and defending of law suits among many others.
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Legal services > General law 
Law; General law
A person is said to be an accessory, if he/she helps or encourages the commitment of a crime. He is an accessory before the fact, if he knows about the commission of the crime ...
Law; General law
An unforeseen incident caused by carelessness, ignorance or unawareness. The affected party can claim compensation if the accident results in injury.
Law; General law
A person who knowingly and voluntarily participates in the planning or commissioning of a crime. Such a person is differentiated from an accessory by being present or directly ...
accord and satisfaction
Law; General law
When disputing parties agree for a settlement and end the dispute regarding their reciprocal rights and obligations, an agreement is reached, which, when carried out will be ...
Law; General law
The term used to denote a person who is charged with the commission of an offense.
Law; General law
The act of going before a qualified officer (e.g., Clerk) and declaring the validity of the document. The officer certifies same, whose certification is known as the ...
Law; General law
The verdict of a jury, declaring that a criminal defendant is not guilty.

- ADR & mediation (198)
- Bankruptcy (393)
- Commerical law (754)
- Courts (27875)
- Criminal (710)
- DNA forensics (17285)
- Family & divorce (262)
- Family law (5743)
- General law (42674)
- Intellectual property (136)
- Legal aid (criminal) (1563)
- Patent & trademark (6450)
- Personal injury (160)
- Real estate & residential (333)
- Regulations (1693)
- Wills & probate (1010)