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Patent & trademark
Terms related to patent and trademark applications and infringement litigations. A patent is a form of intellectual property and associated rights granted by a sovereign state to an inventor or their assignee for a limited period of time. A trademark, on the other hand, is a distinctive mark or name used by an individual or business organization to identify and distinguish its products or services from those of other entities.
Industry: Law; Legal services
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Patent & trademark
contracting state
Legal services; Patent & trademark
a national Office or an intergovernmental organization which is party to the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
class action
Legal services; Patent & trademark
It is a lawsuit brought on behalf of a group or class of plaintiff, such as suing the company that manufactured asbestos to obtain monetary damages for all those harmed by the substance.
bait and switch
Law; Patent & trademark
An unlawful advertising technique whereby one item is publicized, but when the customer appears, another item is offered.
limited liability
Law; Patent & trademark
Limited liability protects personal assets from forfeiture and therefore encourages people to invest in businesses that they might otherwise avoid.
double patenting
Legal services; Patent & trademark
An inventive entity cannot obtain claims in two patents directed either to the same invention or to an obvious variation of the same invention. Where the inventions are identical, the second patent ...
Legal services; Patent & trademark
A transfer of patent rights that does not amount to an assignment. A license, which can be exclusive or non-exclusive, does not give the licensee the legal title to the patent.