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Of or pertaining to the art of writing in any form or style, most especially published works.

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Contributors in Literature

Literature > Fiction

Supreme Commander

Literature; Fiction

One of the Three, the Klarosian Oligarchs who hold ultimate power. The others are the Speaker of the Civil Administration and the Cardinal Prelate of the Church.

Surimaka Delta

Literature; Fiction

An outlying colony of the Procyon axis, established by Procyon C-Tertius to mine extensive transuranic deposits in the Boravi sector. Annexed by Klaros as a Protectorate by a ...


Literature; Fiction

A canal in Veldmeet that provides commercial river traffic with a bypass of the Gemarin River's steep bluff and tight turn.


Literature; Fiction

(Kuinyvara) 33rd Lady of Veran.

kyrrdi flyers

Literature; Fiction

A butterfly-like exoskeletal creature of the Edges, that migrates inland and forms huge colorful clouds of insects during its mating season.

Lake District

Literature; Fiction

A plateau to the west of the Northeast Range where many small rivers drain to form several large and many small lakes.

League of Guardians

Literature; Fiction

Small, medium-tech military force maintained by the Royal House under Constitution and Great Law, for defense against off-planet threats. Guardians are chosen very young and ...