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Of or pertaining to the art of writing in any form or style, most especially published works.

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Literature > Fiction


Literature; Fiction

A Charter City in Gallyvaran Pass, on the border with Bellflower and just west of Traaki Citadel.


Literature; Fiction

Those with a sexual preference of like for like (homosexual.) sing. Helavrir. Homosexual practices and activities are referred to as helavan.


Literature; Fiction

Members of the office maintained by every Royal vassal to perform diplomatic, legal, and communications functions demanded by the Royal Charters of Seisin.


Literature; Fiction

Siblings (sister and brother) invested under Constitution and Great Law with responsibility for a Great House or House Minor. Investment normally follows a matrilineal pattern of ...


Literature; Fiction

The leading official of a village under the seisin of a House Minor or Great House.

Holla Fari

Literature; Fiction

A Cloister in the Islemarch, concerned with astronomical observation.


Literature; Fiction

A large, slow-moving themfi of the marshes and wetlands.