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Large grocery stores that offer a wide range of food and other simple necessities. They require self-service and that organize items in an asile system.

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vehicle maintenance labor wage

Construction; Heavy & civil

Unit price of wage labor for vehicle maintenance. The unit amount per hour.

tractor unit

Construction; Heavy & civil

Penghampar drive unit of the device (finisher) consisting of an engine, rubber wheels or track wheels (wheel-shaped steel chain), push roller and feeder.

sensor unit

Construction; Heavy & civil

Part of the water meter to change the flow of water into a quantity which is measured by measuring the indicator goto / pointer after a unit of account / transmission.

paved mixed production unit

Construction; Roads

Is a unit of equipment that normally produces asphalt mixture.

peekskill pyramid

Dairy products; Cheese

Peekskill Pyramid comes from New York State. It is a pyramid-shaped cheese without rind and is made from cow's milk. This cheese has a rich, buttery taste and a texture like ...

reinforcement screw

Construction; Heavy & civil

Steel rod outer side surface is not flat, shaped finned or carved.

spiral reinforcement

Construction; Heavy & civil

Reinforcement that is wrapped continuously forming a threaded cylindrical circumference.
