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Art history
Record of past mediums or works of art throughout history.
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Art history > Visual arts 
Art history; Visual arts
Works that seek to undermine prevailing standards for the form or content of anything considered “art,” first used to describe the practices and works of the dada movement that ...
Art history; Visual arts
The earliest form of commercial photographic print, developed in the mid-nineteenth century in paris by louis j. M. Daguerre, which fixes a positive image on a copper plate coated ...
Art history; Visual arts
Most specifically, this term designates the 5th and 4th centuries bce in greece and the works produced then and there, though it has come to be used of greek and roman antiquity ...
Art history; Visual arts
In relation to art, a person who describes and evaluates, or otherwise judges artworks according to some criteria; somewhat distinct from a connoisseur, who asserts a sensitivity ...
Art history; Visual arts
The lintel in classical architecture, or that which spans two columns at the top and forms the lowest part of the entablature.
Art history; Visual arts
codex, a manuscript consisting of multiple handwritten pages, thus a set of texts in handwriting,
Art history; Visual arts
In art and architecture, this term identifies works from the eastern roman empire, roughly from the founding of its capital constantinople (originally byzantium, now istanbul) in ...

- General art history (13487)
- Renaissance (24)
- Visual arts (11058)