Home > Industry/Domain > Recycling
The processing of used materials or waste into new products to prevent the waste of potentially useful waste material, reduce consumption of fresh material, as well as reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution.
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phylum placozoa
Zoology; Zoological terms
Macroscopic, flattened marine animals, composed of ventral and dorsal epithelial layers enclosing loose mesenchyme-like cells.
phylum cnidaria
Zoology; Zoological terms
Cnidarians. Hydras, hydroids, jellyfish, sea anemones, and corals. Free-swimming or sessile, with tentacles surrounding the mouth. Specialized cells bearing stinging oraganoids ...
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Accounting; Auditing
Share a term with millions of users around the world and increase your online visibility.Share a term with millions of users around the world and increase your online ...
Plants; General plants
Genus of about 20 species of usually rhizomatous, evergreen perennials from tropical forest in Asia. The leaf blades are borbe on long, sheathing leaf stalks from a central ...

Science; General science
Robojelly is a hydrogen-powered robot desgined in the United States that moves through the water like a jellyfish. The robot is made of artificial muscles that when contracted, ...