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Building/real property
Referring to a legally defined portion of land and the man-made improvements made to it or built on it such as buildings, roads etc.
Industry: Construction
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Building/real property
Construction; Building/real property
Versatile types of transportation vehicles. For example, mini buses, pick ups, the kind of box.
public utilities
Construction; Building/real property
Supporting facilities for environmental services.
activated-sludge effluent
Construction; Building/real property
The liquid from the activated-sludge treatment that is further processed by chlorination or by oxidation.
Construction; Building/real property
Refers to an area of overlap belonging to two special planning zones, as when bay windows, porches and entryways extend the building's volume of facade into open space. A margin's size and features ...
open, openness
Construction; Building/real property
Describes the character of buildings - usually multi-tenant buildings - organized on levels to maximize capacity to transform while distributing choice, control and responsibility and reducing ...
open architecture
Construction; Building/real property
Broadly describes building design and construction practices which consciously create capacity for transformation.