Home > Industry/Domain > Beverages > Coffee


Any beverage made by the infusion, decoction or percolation of roasted and then ground coffee beans (the seeds of the coffee plant).

Contributors in Coffee


kopi luwak

Beverages; Coffee

The most expensive coffee in the world, kopi luwak is made from beans eaten, partly digested and defecated by the Asian Palm Civet, member of the Viverridae family and native to South and Southeast ...

civet coffee

Beverages; Coffee

The most expensive coffee in the world, made from beans eaten, partly digested and defecated by members of the civet family, a raccoon-like family native to South and Southeast Asia.

cat poop coffee

Beverages; Coffee

Colloquial term for kopi luwak, made from coffee beans which have been through the digestive tract of the Asian Palm Civet and other civets. The coffee is deliciously unbitter, and is widely ...

tazo tea

Beverages; Coffee

Starbucks' brand of tea, can be made into iced teas, lemonades, and lattes, hot and cold, many different flavors


Beverages; Coffee

adding a third espresso shot to a drink that originally has two


Beverages; Coffee

the largest size, hot espresso drinks come with 2 espresso shots


Beverages; Coffee

Starbucks' latest initiative: their instant coffee, both for hot and iced coffee

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