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Medicare & Medicaid
Medical insurance programs administered by the U.S. federal government that provide health care coverage for the elderly (people over 65) and certain people and families with low incomes and resources.
Industry: Insurance
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Medicare & Medicaid
admitting physician
Insurance; Medicare & Medicaid
The doctor responsible for admitting a patient to a hospital or other inpatient health facility.
Insurance; Medicare & Medicaid
The number of existing cases of a disease or condition in a given population at a specific time.
risk adjustment
Insurance; Medicare & Medicaid
The way that payments to health plans are changed to take into account a person's health status.
physical therapy
Insurance; Medicare & Medicaid
Treatment of injury and disease by mechanical means, such as heat, light, exercise, and massage.
affiliated provider
Insurance; Medicare & Medicaid
A health care provider or facility that is paid by a health plan to give service to plan members.
intermediary/program safeguard contractor determination
Insurance; Medicare & Medicaid
A determination as defined in 42 CFR 405.1801 under the definition for Intermediary Determination.
multi-employer plan
Insurance; Medicare & Medicaid
A group health plan that is sponsored jointly by two or more employers or by employers and unions.