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Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of being and the world.
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law of continuity
Philosophy; Metaphysics
Leibniz came up with this postulate which states that there are no gaps or breaths in nature, every possible intensity of every possible quality must exist. This is in reference to his term monads, ...
Philosophy; Metaphysics
A vital force directing growth, or life. It can also mean a realization, or actuality, as opposed to a potentiality.
Aristotelian Synthesis
Philosophy; Metaphysics
The three steps aristotle used to describe our material world: 1. FOUR CAUSES [everything physical with a purpose can be understood from these]: A) Material - the physical B) Efficient - the forces ...
Philosophy; Metaphysics
Otherwise known as life after death, this generic term refers to the continuation of existence, typically spiritual and experiential, beyond this world or after death.
anomalous phenomenon
Philosophy; Metaphysics
An observed phenomenon for which there is no suitable explanation in the context of a specific body of scientific knowledge (e.g. Astronomy or biology)
Philosophy; Metaphysics
The belief that a Supreme Being did not directly create the physical universe, but instead emanated lower spiritual beings who created the world.