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Outdoor decorations
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Outdoor decorations
bathtub Madonna
Garden; Outdoor decorations
A bathtub Madonna (also known as a lawn shrine, Mary on the half shell, bathtub Mary, and bathtub shrine) is an artificial grotto typically framing a Roman Catholic religious figure. These shrines ...
renewable energy sculpture
Garden; Outdoor decorations
A renewable energy sculpture is a sculpture that produces power from renewable sources, such as solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric or tidal. Echoing the philosophy of the environmental art ...
moon bridge
Garden; Outdoor decorations
A moon bridge is a highly arched pedestrian bridge, which in its wooden form may require the walker to initially climb (as one would a ladder) and also when descending. This type is associated with ...
garden gnome
Garden; Outdoor decorations
A garden gnome or lawn gnome is a figurine of a small humanoid creature, usually wearing a pointy hat, produced for the purpose of ornamentation and protection from evil sorcery, typically of gardens ...
lawn jockey
Garden; Outdoor decorations
A lawn jockey is a small statue of a man in jockey clothes, intended to be placed in yards. The lawn ornament, popular in certain parts of the United States in years past, was a cast replica, usually ...
plastic flamingos
Garden; Outdoor decorations
Pink plastic flamingos are one of the most famous of lawn ornaments in the United States, along with the garden gnome and other such ornamentation. The plastic pink flamingo was designed in 1957 by ...
Garden; Outdoor decorations
A sundial is a device that measures time by the position of the Sun. In common designs such as the horizontal sundial, the sun casts a shadow from its style onto a surface marked with lines ...