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Professional photography
Professional photography is the occupation of taking pictures and selling them freelance or as part of a contract usually with a publication.
Industry: Photography
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Professional photography
rubber lens-mount gasket
Photography; Professional photography
A flexible rubber gasket that forms a seal between the lens and the camera body.
subject-to-camera distance information
Photography; Professional photography
The data supplied to the camera by the lens indicating the distance from the camera to the subject. This information makes possible advances like 3D Color Matrix Metering II and 3D Multi-Sensor ...
Photography; Professional photography
A loss of brightness or saturation at the periphery of an image; usually not desired, but sometimes used to create a vignette framing the subject at the center of the image.
special effects mode
Photography; Professional photography
A mode in which the user can create artistic results simply by adding special effects to still images and movies. To select an effect, the user rotates the mode dial to EFFECTS and chooses the ...
still picture
Photography; Professional photography
A photograph (static image) as opposed to a movie (moving picture).
Photography; Professional photography
Generic term for an animation technique which makes static objects appear to move. This is done by recording each movement of the object as an individual frame, when each frame is shown in sequence ...
stop-motion movie
Photography; Professional photography
Generic term for an animation technique which makes static objects appear to move. This is done by recording each movement of the object as an individual frame, when each frame is shown in sequence ...