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Vehicle equipment
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Vehicle equipment
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
A Klaxon is a type of electric siren which emits a very loud and penetrating sound. The word Klaxon is technically a brand trademark, although the word is used generically to describe any sort of ...
license plate
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
Plate attached to the front and back of each vehicle, showing a numeric or alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies the vehicle within the issuing region's database.

driverless car
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
A new car device, developed by Dr. Raul Rojas and his team from Berlin’s Freie University which automatically controls a car. It includes lasers, radars, video cameras and a sensitive GPS. An onboard ...
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
Structures that are normally loaded (or stressed) in more than one direction at once are said to be biaxially loaded. Due to the uncertainty and limitations in understanding how these materials, ...
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
Biodiesel is a renewable diesel fuel substitute that can be made by chemically combining a natural oil or fat with an alcohol. Many vegetable oils, animal fats, and recycled cooking greases can be ...
bluff body
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
Nonstreamlined shape, especially one with a blunt tail that generates a recirculation zone at the rear.