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Western philosophy
The philosophical thinking of Western civilization as distinct from Eastern philosophies and the varieties of indigenous philosophies.
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Western philosophy
abstract right
Philosophy; Western philosophy
The first chapter of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, it states that abstract right is the inherently single will of a subject confronting an external world. Hence the imperative of right is “be a person ...
abstract objects
Philosophy; Western philosophy
Objects, such as numbers or universals, that do not exist as spatio-temporal particulars. Philosophers disagree about whether there can be such objects or, if they do exist, how they are related to ...
abstract idea
Philosophy; Western philosophy
An idea which expresses a nature or determining attribute considered (by the mind) as separated from the subject in which it inheres.
Philosophy; Western philosophy
The process of forming a general concept by omitting every distinguishing feature from the notions of some collection of particular things; thus, substantively, an abstraction is the concept or idea ...
Philosophy; Western philosophy
The name of the philosophical school founded by Plato in 385 BC. Some scholars contend that this was, in fact, the first university in the world.
absolute inconsistency
Philosophy; Western philosophy
A system that is absolutely inconsistent iff all its wffs are theorems.
fallacy of accident
Philosophy; Western philosophy
The fallacy that confuses the accidental and essential characteristics of a thing, so that what is affirmed of something as adventitious to a thing is also applied to the subject itself.