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Wind instruments
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Wind instruments
Musical equipment; Wind instruments
A tube used as, or to form an essential part of, a musical wind instrument.
Musical equipment; Wind instruments
A wind instrument having a bag as a reservoir for air, sound being emitted through a melody pipe(chanter), played with a reed, and from one to three single-note (drone)pipes.
Musical equipment; Wind instruments
A musical wind instrument, consisting of a hollow cylinder or pipe, with holes along its length, stopped by the fingers, or by keys which are opened by the fingers.
Musical equipment; Wind instruments
A double-reed wind instrument, with a compass of about 21/ 2 octaves from B♭ below middle C, made from a narrow tube of wood (now also plastic) having a conical bore, and played by means of finger ...
Musical equipment; Wind instruments
A small flute, an octave higher in pitch than the ordinary flute.
Musical equipment; Wind instruments
General name for a type of plucked stringed instrument in which the strings are fixed to a cross-bar between two arms.