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Any living creature of the Kingdom Animalia constituting multi-celled organisms as well as single-celled organisms lacking chlorophyll and having the ability for spontaneous movement, such as protozoans.

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Animals > Horses


Animals; Horses

French for "training" or "schooling." The systematic art of training a horse to perform prescribed movements in a balanced, supple, obedient, and willing manner.


Animals; Horses

The energy and thrust forward characterized by a forward reaching rather than a backward pushing motion.

artificial vagina

Animals; Horses

A mechanical device with a rubber liner used to collect semen from the stallion.


Animals; Horses

Gasterophilus; Parasitic flies.


Animals; Horses

A medium-hard brush for grooming to remove loose hair and dirt.

texas gate

Animals; Horses

Gate of barbed wire.


Animals; Horses

The eye on the end of a rope that forms the loop. Also called "honda."
