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Any living creature of the Kingdom Animalia constituting multi-celled organisms as well as single-celled organisms lacking chlorophyll and having the ability for spontaneous movement, such as protozoans.

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Animals > Insects

pink bellied moth

Animals; Insects

The pink bellied moth varies in colour from pink to brown. They have a brown or yellow line across the upper surface of each wing. The forewings curve upwards at the tips. the ...

pine bark anobiid

Animals; Insects

The pine bark anobiid is an oval shaped beetle with short golden hairs giving it a reddish brown colour. The body darkens with age as the pale hairs are gradually worn away. The ...

peppermint stick insect

Animals; Insects

The peppermint stick insect (Megacrania batesii) is a bluish-green coloured stick insect. When disturbed they emit a milky substance with a peppermint smell from a gland at the ...

paper wasp

Animals; Insects

This paper wasp is black or brown, with yellow bands. They can give a painful sting if you disturb the nest. If you want to get rid of ones near the house, it is safest to spray ...

pale triangle

Animals; Insects

The pale triangle has a pale blue central area on the forewings and the inner half of the hindwings is pale blue. The leading edge and outer edge of the forewings, and the outer ...

painted jewel beetle

Animals; Insects

The Painted jewel beetle is an exotic introduced pest. The body is brown and shiny, with four yellow spots on each of the elytra (hardened front wings). The first spot is the ...

painted apple moth

Animals; Insects

The male painted apple moth has dark brown wavy markings and some fine white wavy markings on the forewings. The hindwings are orange with broad black border. The female adult is ...
