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The study of human beings and human ancestors through time. Focuses on relation to physical characteristics, environmental effects, social relations and culture. The science of humans.

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Anthropology > Mythology


Anthropology; Mythology

An angel in the Christian belief system who is the keeper of the second gate of heaven. He is described as being over 2 million miles tall and 12,000 bolts of lightning flash from ...


Anthropology; Mythology

Angelic beings unique to the Islamic faith. They are described as beautiful, transparent virgins, and every resident of paradise is assigned a houri of the opposite gender to be ...


Anthropology; Mythology

One of the four archangels of Islam. He eternally waits with a trumpet to his lips, ready to blow it at the time of holy judgement. He was tasked, along with the other archangels, ...


Anthropology; Mythology

In Judaism, Cassiel is one of the seven archangels and one of the six angels of death. Cassiel watches the events of the cosmos but rarely interferes in events. He has the power ...


Anthropology; Mythology

The Jewish angel of conception. She brings souls to the zygote and teaches the unborn child about the Torah.


Anthropology; Mythology

A collection of demons exorcised from a traveller by Jesus. The man initially identifies himself as Legion, referring to the multitude of spirits within. Onces exorcised, the ...


Anthropology; Mythology

The gatekeeper of hell in Christianity and one of the seven princes of hell. It is prophecised that the Leviathan will battle the Behemoth at the end of the world, and both will ...